Into the Heart of Mars

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Messages From The Universe

Note: For the sake of this article and because there is such a beautiful, feminine and nurturing quality about the Universe, I will often refer to it as “she” or “her”.

The Universe sends us messages. So often pushed aside as coincidences, these messages offer guidance, support and love. We just have to open our minds a little more and believe that coincidences are not always just coincidences. Opening your heart and accepting all she is giving you, you’ll start to notice signs and when you do, you should be aware of your thoughts, what is going on in the moment, and your surroundings. Then we can begin to understand what the Universe is trying to tell us.

We have all been in difficult situations where we feel like our lives are falling apart and things will never get better. Have you ever been so down and all of a sudden a song plays and the lyrics seem to be exactly what you need in that moment, or the artist seems to be singing your story verbatim? This is the Universe speaking to you. As I mentioned above, she nurtures us while offering protection and solace when we need it the most.

Heartbreak. We all experience it at some point in our lives and it is one of the most terrible experiences one must go through. In that moment, our hearts feel like they will never beat again. I once went through a really tough breakup where I felt so hurt and helpless.

On a day that I was feeling my worst, I was walking to my car after shopping and a young woman had recognized a part of a tattoo on my arm. It’s called the flower of life. Many people don’t know what this is and think it’s just a cool design. Yes, It’s a beautiful geometric pattern, but so much more than that. It is a symbol of the Universe and how we all come from one source. This means that we are all connected and each have a path already planned out for us. I can explain this in more depth at another time because it’s worth its own article.

But the woman passing me complimented it and told me that, “the universe has ways of speaking to us when we need it the most.” She gave me a little wink and just kept walking. She was right, I needed that at that moment and her positive vibes were definitely transferred. For a moment in my mess of emotions, I instantly felt better. She was a human angel. Was it a coincidence? Or could it have been a message from the universe? I would like to think that the universe was telling me I would be alright and that things were going to be okay. Like a lot of things, heartbreak is temporary but when you’re in it, you think the pain will never end.

When doubts begin to cloud my mind and I am unsure about something in my life, sometimes little signs are thrown my way. I can question something like a friendship, a job choice or my current relationship, and I’ll get a sign that steers me in the right direction. She talks to us, we just have to know how to listen.

When I come across these obvious messages that just seemingly come at the right moment, I am in awe and feel so blessed. Her timing is impeccable and I think it’s so fascinating that we all have this special force looking out for us. Do you believe that the universe communicates with us?